Thursday, May 31, 2012

it might be ok.

it's ok... be really horrible at yoga. i don't think it's my balance as much as my arm/core strength..and by "strength" i mean i have very little. i have no idea how people do all the crazy poses like this. be really sore from Murph. so. many. squats. and i did a scaled version - half of the full workout! my legs felt like jelly for the last half mile run. really want plumcots to be back in season. they're so amazing. not really be sure about this whole marriage thing. it's so much work, and not fun if one person isn't willing to put in effort. i really don't think anyone knows what they're getting into when they say their vows..unless they've been together for years and years and years. really want to just take 2 weeks off and go to the beach in florida. and see family. and old friends. and people i never get to hang out with for more than 2 hours every like 4 months when i go back. this whole real life having a job thing..not so fun! at least with school you get summer breaks..and time to actually unwind.

Source: via Krista on Pinterest really miss florida. want to move back some days. just drop everything here, and move back. but i'm so committed to things here, i could never just drop all of those commitments. never even think of buying a house/condo here. partly because it's so expensive. partly because i never want to have to do all that work. and partly because it's not florida. want to shred my debit card and call my bank and ask them to change the that i don't spend any money for a while. be on day 4 of no sweets..and be so hungry all the time, i seriously think my body needs chocolate to survive. i mean, how amazing does this look? really love cucumber and watermelon. feel out of place at a new crossfit gym. it just feels awkward when you don't know anyone and you're one of the um..least the entire gym. skip one of my favorite events this weekend, wine fest, because i don't want to spend money drunkenly buying many bottles of wine. (that's what happens.) bake for meetings. (is this ok?) be really pumped for the BEACH next week. it's not florida, but i'll get to hang out with some of my favorite dc people..anddd maybe tan. still lay in the sun even after your doctor finds an atypical mole (non-cancerous, but i guess it means i'm at a higher risk?). i feel like this is not actually ok, but i feel so much better when tan. life is just better tan. keep breaking sunglasses somehow. i really have no idea how. i need a better sunglass storage solution..and carrying solution...and wearing solution. i just bought $4 pairs of sunglasses so i'm not upset when i break them, but it will happen... need quotes to get through the day.
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

Source: via Krista on Pinterest

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

oh pinterest

pinterest finds of the week, again...


Source: via Krista on Pinterest
i really need to figure out how to store sunglasses. i break them one way or, carrying, wearing, who knows.

i made these this weekend, i have no idea how i did not eat all of them.
and these look amazing too

i'd give anything to be here right now:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

it's it ok?

it's ok... keep setting my alarm for 5 a.m. to wake up and gym..and hit snooze, every single day, for 1-2 hours...and then end up just as tired as the first wake up at 5. blah! just want to shop all day long really be disappointed i'm not going anywhere this weekend. 3 day weekend. and i'm stuck at home. i just want to be at a beach or a pool ANYWHERE. keep eating gelato, it's so delicious. i mean i'm not going to be at the beach this weekend anyway so, might as well eat? just wish i could teleport home some days, just to be by the pool/fam for an hour or two. even if it's raining. just to sit at the pool. be sorta in love with these adorable littleguys (pic from Washingtonian, and story here)


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

kate spade! and pinterest (wednesday)...

psst, there's a big sale at ann taylor loft online (and i think in stores) right now, just a tip :)

guys. i really need your advice. do i buy this bag, or not? it's $129 on sale on 20% off of that!

Source: via Krista on Pinterest

and some more pinterest finds...
(and yes, a little obsessed with kate spade today)

Source: via Krista on Pinterest
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

Source: via Krista on Pinterest
Source: via Krista on Pinterest
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

Source: via Krista on Pinterest

isn't this a cool father's day gift?
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

and now for some inspiration, because i need it going into tomorrow...
Source: via Krista on Pinterest
Source: via Krista on Pinterest
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

Friday, May 18, 2012

causes + sign up for the color run!

Flaunt Your Cause

i can't pick just one cause, i can't. so, here are two and then a list of some others :)

1. girls on the run! this organization has programs in a ton of cities, including the dc area. 
The mission:
"We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running."
"Girls on the Run® is a life-changing, experiential learning programs for girls age eight to thirteen years old. The programs combine training for a 3.1 mile running event with self-esteem enhancing, uplifting workouts. The goals of the programs are to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual and physical development."

I volunteered as a coach a few years ago, and it was an amazing experience. It was so cool to train the girls and then watch them run a 5K a few months later - IN THE SNOW! Seriously, it was snowing so hard the day of the 5K, and I can't find any pics from it, but the ones below are from the race here in November.

2. raising awarness for SMA - 
Have you read about Avery's Bucket List?
I saw links to it for the last few months and it just made me so sad, I had no idea this condition even existed, or how horrible it is. Avery passed away on April 30, but there are so many other babies and children with the condition, and not enough research is being done to find a cure.

And more:

And, the coolest thing you will read all day (related to causes too!):
Seriously, read it. It will make you happy (and maybe want to be a superhero). 

Have you heard about The Color Run? It's a 5K, you wear all white, and you're drenched in colors throughout the race. It looks so fun, and DC's two 5Ks will benefit the Children's National Medical Center. DC races are September 9th and October 21st. Sign up! :) 
Don't the pics make it look so fun? (I wonder if we can jump in the Potomac after to rinse off? Maybe?)
I have no idea how I will take a camera with and take pics...