Wednesday, May 9, 2012

more pins

*i have no idea why the source line is not centering, blah.

doesn't this look soooo fun? 

one day, i will look like this, and be able to do a muscle up. no?

and now to the food:

these are supposed to be a strawberry/pineapple flavor mix. where can i find them?!
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

so, i kind of love everything kate spade:

i'm also loving this necklace:

i'm also loving these dresses:
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

Source: via Krista on Pinterest
Source: via Krista on Pinterest

new captoe flats from ann taylor:

i need this clutch.

isn't this an awesome way to display/store jewelry?

and, your thought for the week:

1 comment:

  1. Those anntaylor cap toe flats need to be mine asap! These are some great pins. BTW I lived in DC too. Not a fan of the politics but loved the city, despite some annoyances here and there. I'm definitely not a fan of elliptical machines- I do love running outside though and miss it.
